Download Link2SD 4.3.4 free on android

- Android 2.3 +
- Version: 4.3.4
- 3.80Mb
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Updated to version 4.3.4!
Bulent Akpinar
Link2SD - an application that allows software to transfer installed programs to an SD card, and then manage and work with these applications. A convenient and intuitive interface will facilitate the use of Link2SD, and a visual presentation of information will give you the opportunity to make the most efficient use of all the features of the application. It is worth noting a number of additional features, such as sorting installed applications, intelligent search, creating shortcuts, as well as the on-screen widget. Support for more than 40 languages will complement the overall picture.
Questions and Answers
4.3 (3092)
Additional Information:
- Updated
- Price$0
- Installs 10 000 000–50 000 000
- Rated for 3+ years
Good speed and no viruses!
On our site you can easily download latest version Link2SD.apk! All without registration and send SMS!